Vocabulary Words | Meanings |
sack | a large bag made of cloth, paper or plastic |
sacred | holy |
sad | not happy; feeling sorry |
saddle | a leather seat for a rider, which is fastened on to a horse’s back or a bicycle |
safari | an expedition in Africa in search of wild animals |
safe | not able to be hurt; out of danger. The same word also means a very strong metal box used to lock money and valuable things away safety |
safety | freedom from harm or danger |
sag | to sink down or bend in the middle; to hang limply or droop |
saga | a long story about people and legends of olden days; a long story about a family and their family before them |
sail | a piece of canvas fastened to a ship’s mast. Sails catch the wind so that the ship is moved along |
sailor | a man who steers and drives a ship |
saint | a very good and holy person |
sake | cause, purpose, regard |
salad | a mixture of cold vegetables, such as lettuce, tomatoes and beetroot. Often cold meat, fish or eggs are added to salads, and some salads have fruit in them |
salary | money paid regularly, usually every month, for work done |
sale | the exchange of something for money. The same word also means a period when shops sell some of their goods more cheaply |
saliva | the liquid that keeps the inside of your mouth moist |
sallow | having a pale, sickly yellowish colour |
salt | a while powder we get from the earth and from sea water. It is used in cooking or at meals to make food taste better |
salute | to greet someone, usually by raising your right hand to your forehead |
same | hot different; like something else |
sample | one of, or a small part of something that shows what the rest of it is like |
sand | small grains of rock which we find in large quantities at the seaside or in the desert |
sandal | a light shoe, held on the foot by straps |
sandwich | tow pieces of bread with meat or some other food between them |
sanitary | pertaining to or designed to secure health, hygiene |
sap | the juice in plants and trees |
sardine | a small fish, usually sold in tins |
sari | a long piece of cloth wrapped around the body and hanging loose over the shoulder, worn by girls and women in India |
sarisfactory | good enough; pleasing |
sark | a shirt |
sash | a strip of ribbon or cloth worn round the waist or over the shoulder. The same word also means the frame of a window that slides up and down |
satchel | a bag, used for carrying school books |
satellite | a planet that revolves around another larger planet, as the moon revolves around the earth |
satin | a soft shiny material |
satisfy | to do all you can to please someone, or to fill a need |
saucepan | a cooking pot with a lid and a handle |
saucer | a small curved plate put under a cup |
saucy | cheeky; a bit impudent |
saunce | liquid poured over food to give it more flavour. Mint sauce is used with roast lamb |
sausage | a meat mixture chopped up very small and put into a thin bag made of animal skin |
savage | fierce and cruel; wild |
save | to keep something to use later on. The same word also means to help someone who is in danger |
saw | a metal tool with pointed teeth on one edge, used for cutting wood |
sawdust | powder from wood that has been sawn |
say | to speak; to tell something |
saying | a thing that is often said, like a stitch in time saves nine |
scab | the dry crust on sore place or wound when it begins to heal |
scabbard | a case or holder for a sword; a sheath |
scald | to burn yourself with a very hot liquid or steam |
Defining relative clause
When a clause defines the noun it qualifies it is known as a defining relative clause.