Vocabulary Words | Meanings |
nab | to catch or seize suddenly or unexpectedly |
nag | to keep on scolding or finding fault |
nail | the hard part at the end of a finger or toe. The same word also means a thin sharp piece of metal used to join pieces of wood |
naked | without clothes or covering |
name | what a person or thing is called |
nanny-goat | a female goat |
nap | a short sleep |
napkin | a square piece of cloth or paper used to wipe your mouth and fingers when you are eating |
narcissus | a spring flower, white or yellow, that smells very sweet |
narcotic | substance which relieves pain and produces sleep |
narrate | to tell or relate orally or in writing |
narrow | slim; thin; not wide |
nasty | not nice; not pleasant |
nation | all the people living in one country under one government |
national | belonging to one nation or country |
native | simple, artless |
native | a person born in a particular place or country |
natural | not man-made |
nature | everything in the world that is not man-made |
naughty | not doing what you should; behaving badly |
navigate | to steer or guide a ship or aeroplane |
navy | a nation’s warships and the sailors who run them |
near | close to; not far away |
nearly | very closely; almost; not far from |
neat | tidy; in good order |
necessary | having to be done; needed |
neck | the part of your body between your head and your shoulders |
necklace | a sting of beads or thin chain worn round the neck |
nectar | a sweet juice found in some flower blossoms |
need | a demand of the situation. Scarcity, hardship of |
needle | a long, thin pointed piece of metal used for sewing. There are also special needles for knitting |
nefarious | wicked in the extreme, infamous, atrocious |
negative | meaning or saying no |
neglect | to forget or be careless about looking after something |
neigh | the cry a horse makes, usually when it is frightened or excited |
neighbour | a person who lives near you |
neither | not one or the other |
nephew | the son of a brother or sister |
neptune | the god of the sea, a planet |
nere | one of the small thread-like parts of your body that carries messages to and from the brain so that you can move and feel. The same word also means courage and daring |
nervous | jumpy; easily frightened |
nescience | ignorance, want of knowledge |
nest | a bird’s home, where the eggs are laid and hatched out |
net | pieces of string knotted together so that there are more holes than string |
netball | a game played by two teams. A large ball is thrown into a small net on a pole |
nettle | a weed with prickly hairs that string if they touch your skin |
never | not ever; not at any time |
new | only just made; not old; not seen before |
newborn | just born |
news | things that have just happened |
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