Vocabulary Words | Meanings |
gabble | to speak so quickly that people find it hard to understand what you are saying |
gain | to earn or win; to add to what you already have |
gaing | a group of people working together. The same word also means a band of robbers or thieves |
gale | a strong wind |
gallery | the upper floor of seats in a theatre or church. The same word also means a room or building where works of art on show |
gallon | a measure of liquid, equal to 4 quarts or 8 points |
gallop | the fastest speed at which a horse can move |
gamble | to play a game for money |
gambol | to skip and jump happily |
game | a way of playing which has rules |
gaming | another word for gambling |
gander | a male goose |
gangster | a member of a gang of robbers or thieves |
gaol | (say jail) another word for prison. The same word also spelled jail |
gap | an opening or break in something |
garage | a place where motor cars are kept or repaired |
garden | a piece of land where flowers, fruit or vegetables are grown |
garland | a circle of leaves or flowers worn on the head or around the neck or hung on something as a decoration |
garment | any article of clothing |
garter | a ring made of elastic which keeps a stocking from falling down |
gas | something like air, neither solid or liquid, which can fill space. It is usually invisible. Gas that burns comes through pipes and is used for cooking and heating |
gasp | to take a quick deep breath; to struggle for breath |
gate | a door in a fence, wall or hedge |
gather | to collect; to pick up one by one |
gay | happy and lively |
gaze | to look at something steadily; to stare |
gear | things that belong to you, such as clothes or tools. The same word also means the working part of a car or bicycle which changes the speed |
gem | any precious stone; a jewel |
general | a commander in the army. The same word also means usual; happening everywhere |
generous | kind in sharing or giving things to others |
genial | cordial, jovial, sympathetic |
genius | highest mental ability |
gentle | quiet; soft or soothing |
gentleman | a kind and honorable man |
genuine | real; true; not a fake or copy |
geography | the study of the surface of the earth and the people and animals living there |
geometry | the part of mathematics to do with lines angles and figures such as triangles and circles |
germ | a very tiny bit of animal or plant life that you can only see under a microscope. Some germs cause diseases |
get | to receive; to fetch. The same word also means to become, as when we say someone will get well, or get rich |
ghost | the spirit of a dead person |
giant | a very big strong person, usually in fairy |
giddy | having a feeling that things are going round and round |
gie | to hand something over freely to someone else |
gift | something which is given as a present |
gigantic | enormous; giant-like |
giggle | to laugh in a silly way |
ginger | the root of a plant. It tastes spicy and makes your mouth feel hot |
gingerbread | a cake or biscuit which is made with ginger |
gipsy | someone who belongs to a race of dark people who originally came from India. Gipsies wander from place to place and usually have no permanent home. The word is sometimes spelled gypsy |
giraffe | a tall animal with a very long neck |
What are idioms?
Idioms can be defined as a group of words having a meaning different from the individual meanings of each word in the group.