Vocabulary Words | Meanings |
habit | something you do regularly and often, almost without thinking about it, such as brushing your teeth |
habitation | residence, abode, occupancy |
hackney | a horse kept for hire, a coach kept for hire |
hadmaster | a woman who is responsible for all the teachers and pupils in a school |
hail | frozen rain which falls as little lumps of ice |
hair | the soft covering which grows on your head |
hairbrush | a special brush you use for tidying and arranging your hair |
hairdresser | someone who cuts and arranges people’s hair |
hale | sound, healthy, robust |
half | one of two equal parts. When you cut something in half, you divide it into tow parts which are exactly the same size |
hall | the space inside the entrance of a building. The same word also means a large room used for special occasions, like a town hall |
halo | a ring of light around the sun or moon, or around the heads of holy people in paintings |
halt | to stop |
halve | to divide into tow equal parts |
hammer | a heavy tool for hitting or breaking things |
hamper | a large basket with a lid, often used for carrying food. The same word also means to hinder |
hamster | a little furry animal, usually golden-brown in colour. It is often kept as a pet |
hand | the end of your arm which you use to hold things |
handbag | a small light bag that you can carry in your hand |
handcuff | a fetter for the hands or wrists |
handful | as much as your hand will hold; a small number or quantity |
handicap | to make something more difficult for someone |
handicraft | work in which things are made by hand and not by machine |
handkerchief | a small piece of cloth for wiping your nose or eyes |
handle | the part or something by which you can hold it, like the handle of a cup. The same word also means to touch or hold things with your hands |
handlebar | the part of a bicycle you hold on to and steer with |
handsome | good-looking |
handwork | work, like sewing or clay modelling, which you do with your hands |
handy | useful and clever with your hands. The same word also means near; close at hand |
hang | to fasten something to firm support so that it swings freely, but cannot fall |
hanger | a shaped piece of metal or wood to hang clothes on so that they do not get wrinkled |
haphazard | not planned; happening by chance |
hapless | unlucky, unhappy |
happen | to take place |
happiness | joy; gladness |
happy | full of joy |
harass | to Vex, to tire with labour |
harbour | a sheltered place where ships stay before going out to sea |
hard | not soft. Stones are hard. The same word also means difficult |
hard headed | shrewd, cunning, intelligent |
harden | to make or become hard |
hardly | scarcely; only just |
hardy | tough; brave |
hare | an animal like a large rabbit |
harm | to damage or hurt |
harmful | doing harm or damage |
harmless | the opposite of harmful; doing no harm |
harness | the straps and other equipment worn by a horse |
harp | a big musical instrument shaped like a triangle. It has strings which you pluck to make music |
harsh | rough or unkind |
Examples of Clipping
1.Bike (motor-bike)
2.Specs (spectacles)
3.Fax (fascimile)