• My Vote For Vocabulary Words
Vocabulary WordsMeanings
kafira member of the most important dark race in south Africa
kangarooan animal which can jump a long way. It has a pocket for its babies
keela heavy piece of wood or metal that goes along the bottom of a boat or ship from one end to the other
keenvery interested in something. The same word also means sharp; cutting
keepto hold on to something and not give it away. The same word also means the strongest, inside part of castle
keepersomeone who looks after or guards something, like a gamekeeper or a keeper at the zoo
kennela small house or shelter for a dog
kernelthe inside part of a nut that can usually be eaten
kerosenea lamp oil from petroleum
kettlea metal container used for boiling water. It has a lid, a handle and spout
keya small piece of metal, specially shaped so that it will open a lock. The same word also means a lever on a piano or typewriter
keyboardthe keys of a piano, organ or typewriter, arranged in order
keyholda hole specially shaped so you can put a key in it
kickto hit something or someone with your foot
kida young goat. The same word also means a child
kidnapto take someone away by force
killto cause someone away by force
kilogrammea unit of weight, equal to 1,000 grammes
kilometrea unit of length, equal to 1,000 metres
kindfriendly; good to other people. The same word also means sort or type
kindergartena school or class for very young children
kinga man who rules a country usually because his family did so before him
kingdoma country ruled by a king or queen
kippera herring that has been salted and then dried in a special kind of smoke
kissto touch with your lips someone you like
kitall the gear needed; a complete outfit
kitchena room where cooking is done
kitea toy made of paper or cloth on light wood. It can be flown on the end of a string when it is windy. The same word also means a bird of prey
kittena young cat
knapsacka bag for food and clothes that you carry on your back
knavea man who is not honest
kneethe joint in the middle of you: leg
kneelto get down on your knees
knickersshort underpants worn by girls and women
knifea thin sharp piece of metal with a handle, used for cutting
knighta nobleman, In the old days, he used to dress in armour and fight for his king
knitto weave wool into clothing with long needles
knoba round handle, like a door knob
knockto hit something hard or to bump into something
knotthe place where tow pieces of string or ribbon have been tied together
knottydifficult, intricate, full of knots
knowto understand and be sure about something you have read or seen
knowablethat can he known
knowledgewhat you have learned and understand about things
knownfamous, understood, familiar
knucklea finger join
koranthe look of the faith of Mohammedans written by Mohammed

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Abbreviation An abbreviation is a short form of a word or expression. Abbreviations are used for words used frequently.