Vocabulary Words | Meanings |
kafir | a member of the most important dark race in south Africa |
kangaroo | an animal which can jump a long way. It has a pocket for its babies |
keel | a heavy piece of wood or metal that goes along the bottom of a boat or ship from one end to the other |
keen | very interested in something. The same word also means sharp; cutting |
keep | to hold on to something and not give it away. The same word also means the strongest, inside part of castle |
keeper | someone who looks after or guards something, like a gamekeeper or a keeper at the zoo |
kennel | a small house or shelter for a dog |
kernel | the inside part of a nut that can usually be eaten |
kerosene | a lamp oil from petroleum |
kettle | a metal container used for boiling water. It has a lid, a handle and spout |
key | a small piece of metal, specially shaped so that it will open a lock. The same word also means a lever on a piano or typewriter |
keyboard | the keys of a piano, organ or typewriter, arranged in order |
keyhold | a hole specially shaped so you can put a key in it |
kick | to hit something or someone with your foot |
kid | a young goat. The same word also means a child |
kidnap | to take someone away by force |
kill | to cause someone away by force |
kilogramme | a unit of weight, equal to 1,000 grammes |
kilometre | a unit of length, equal to 1,000 metres |
kind | friendly; good to other people. The same word also means sort or type |
kindergarten | a school or class for very young children |
king | a man who rules a country usually because his family did so before him |
kingdom | a country ruled by a king or queen |
kipper | a herring that has been salted and then dried in a special kind of smoke |
kiss | to touch with your lips someone you like |
kit | all the gear needed; a complete outfit |
kitchen | a room where cooking is done |
kite | a toy made of paper or cloth on light wood. It can be flown on the end of a string when it is windy. The same word also means a bird of prey |
kitten | a young cat |
knapsack | a bag for food and clothes that you carry on your back |
knave | a man who is not honest |
knee | the joint in the middle of you: leg |
kneel | to get down on your knees |
knickers | short underpants worn by girls and women |
knife | a thin sharp piece of metal with a handle, used for cutting |
knight | a nobleman, In the old days, he used to dress in armour and fight for his king |
knit | to weave wool into clothing with long needles |
knob | a round handle, like a door knob |
knock | to hit something hard or to bump into something |
knot | the place where tow pieces of string or ribbon have been tied together |
knotty | difficult, intricate, full of knots |
know | to understand and be sure about something you have read or seen |
knowable | that can he known |
knowledge | what you have learned and understand about things |
known | famous, understood, familiar |
knuckle | a finger join |
koran | the look of the faith of Mohammedans written by Mohammed |
Abbreviation An abbreviation is a short form of a word or expression. Abbreviations are used for words used frequently.