Vocabulary Words | Meanings |
break | the hard pointed part of a bird’s mouth |
break | to pull apart; to damage or spoil something |
breakfast | the first meal of the day |
breast | the top front part of the body |
breath | the air that is taken in and forced out by the lungs |
breathe | to take air into the body and force it out again |
breed | to produce young ones |
breeze | a gentle eind |
brewery | a place where beer is made |
brick | a block of baked clay used in building |
bride | a woman on her wedding day |
bridesmaid | an unmarried woman who attends the bride on her wedding day |
bridge | something built over a road or river so that you can get across to the other side |
bridle | restraint, curb, check the part of harness with which a horse is governed |
brief | short, not long |
brigade | a group of men in uniform who work together, like a brigade of soldiers or a brigade or firemen |
bright | shining; giving out light |
brilliant | very bright; dazzling. The same word also means very clever |
brim | the upper edge of something. like the brim of a cup. The same word also means the part of a hat that sticks out all round |
bring | to carry something with you when you come |
brink | the edge of steep place |
brisk | quick; lively |
bristle | a short stiff hair |
brittle | easily breakable |
broad | wide; the opposite of narrow |
broadbean | a bean with a wide pod |
broadcast | to send out radio or television programs of news, music and entertainment |
bronchitis | an illness in the throat and chest that makes you cough a lot |
bronze | a reddish=brown metal made by melting copper and tin together |
brooch | (say broach) an ornament which can be pinned to clothing |
brood | to sit quietly and think about something rather anxiously. The same word also means young birds all hatched in one nest at the same time |
brook | a small stream |
broom | a brush with a long handle, for cleaning floors |
broth | a kind of thin soup |
brothel | a house of ill fame, house of prostitution |
brother | a son of the same parents, elder |
brow | arch of hair over eye, forehead |
brown | a colour. Chocolate is brown |
brownie | a junior member of the Girl Guides. The same word also means a kind of goblin who is supposed to help with housework |
bruise | a dark-coloured mark where the skin has been hit but not broken |
brunt | the heat of battle, shock |
brush | a bunch of hairs on a handle, used for cleaning or painting or doing your hair |
brusque | rude, abrupt in manner, fluent |
bubble | a ball of liquid containing gas or air |
bucket | a container with a handle for holding or carrying water |
buckle | a fastening on a belt or strap |
bud | a flower or leaf not fully open |
budge | to move a little |
buffalo | a wild ox |
buffers | flat metal plates at each end of a railway carriage or engine, or at the end of a railway track. They prevent damage from bumping |
Stressed and Unstressed
In English sentences content words are stressed while structural words are generally not.