Vocabulary Words | Meanings |
prosperous | flourishing, fortunate, thriving, successful |
protect | to guard or defend |
protest | to object to something; to disagree |
proud | having a feeling of pride; pleased that you are good at something |
prove | to show that what is said is true |
provide | to supply; to give what is needed |
prowl | to move about silently and secretly |
pry | to peer into or try to find out about things that do not concern you |
pub | a place where beer and other drinks are sold. The word is short for public house |
public | open to or belonging to everyone; the opposite of private |
pudding | any soft, sweet food eaten at the end of a meal. Some puddings are made with meat, and eaten as the main part of a meal |
puddle | a small pool of water, usually left in the road after it has been raining |
puff | to blow air or smoke out of the mouth. The same word also means a soft piece of material used to put powder on the skin |
puffin | a sea bird with a short thick beak |
pull | to get hold of something and bring it towards you |
pulley | a wheel with a hollow rim. You put a rope around the rim and pull on it to lift heavy things |
pullover | a knitted garment with sleeves |
pump | a machine used to get water from a well. The same word also means the machine you use to put air into tyres |
pumpkin | a large yellow-or orange-coloured fruit that grows on a vine on the ground |
punch | to hit hard, usually with your fists |
punctual | on time; not late |
punctuate | to divide writing into phrases or sentences by using special marks, such as a full-stop (.), question mark (?) or comma (,) |
puncture | to make a hole in something |
punish | to make someone suffer or pay for doing something wrong |
pupil | a person who is taught by a teacher. The same word also means the round dark circle in the middle of your eye through which you see |
puppet | a doll which can be moved by pulling strings or putting your hand inside it |
puppy | a young dog |
purchase | to buy something |
pure | clean; without fault |
purl | a knitting stitch, the opposite to plain stitch |
purnishment | something that makes a person suffer or pay for wrong-doing |
purple | a colour made by mixing red and blue |
purpose | something you plan to do |
purr | the sound a cat makes when it is happy |
purse | a small bag to keep money in |
pursue | to go after, to follow |
push | to move something away from you without lifting it |
pushchair | a small chair on wheels, for a young child to ride in |
put | to place something |
puzzle | a kind of game or question. You have to think very hard to get the answer |
pygmy | one of a tribe of very small people who live in the jungles of some hot countries. The word can also be spelled pigmy |
pyjamas | a sleeping suit |
pylon | a metal tower or mast that holds up electric cables |
pyramid | a solid shape with flat triangular sides, usually on a square base |
python | a large dangerous snake that can kill people by squeezing them in its coils |
Examples of Blending
1.Manimal (man + animal)
2.Hi-tech (high + technology)
3.Brunch (breakfast + lunch)