Vocabulary Words | Meanings |
girder | a long heavy piece for metal or wood used to strengthen buildings, bridges and parts of railways |
girl | a female child; a child who grows up to be woman |
glacier | a mess of ice that moves very slowly down a mountainside |
glad | pleased; happy |
glance | a quick look |
glare | a dazzling bright light. The same word also means to stare angrily at someone |
glass | a hard materiel you can see through. Windows are made of glass |
gleam | to shine, but not brightly. Old metal gleams when it is polished |
glide | to move smoothly and easily; to flow gently |
glider | a light aeroplane which can fly for some time without an engine after being launched |
glimmer | to shine faintly and unsteadily |
glimpse | a very brief sight of someone or something |
glint | to gleam or glimmer |
glisten | to shine or gleam |
glitter | to sparkle, to reflect light brightly |
globe | a round object, like a ball or the world |
gloomy | dark; dim: miserable; the oppsite of cheerful |
glove | a covering for the hand. It fits around each finger |
glow | to burn without flames; to give out a steady light |
glue | a strong paste which sticks things together |
glutton | a person who is greedy and eats too much |
gnarled | twisted and lumpy, like the trunk of a very old tree |
gnat | a small flying insect which stings |
gnaw | to wear something away by scraping at it with teeth, as when a dog gnaws at a bone |
go | to start off or move |
goal | a kind of target. In football you have to kick the ball into the goal which is the space between two posts |
goat | an animal rather like a sheep. It usually has horns and a little beard |
gobble | to swallow food quickly without chewing it |
goblet | a kind of drinking cup with no handle |
goblin | a mischievous elf or fairy |
God | the Creator of everything |
gold | a yellow shiny metal which is worth a lot of money |
golden | the colour of gold; made of gold |
goldfish | a small fish often kept as a pet. It is usually a pretty reddish-gold colour |
golf | a game which is played with a small white ball and a set of long-handled clubs |
good | right or satisfactory; kind; nice |
goodbye | a word said to someone who is just going away |
goodness | the act of being good or kind |
goods | things bought and sold |
goose | a big bird, like a duck with a long neck |
gooseberry | the fruit of the gooseberry bush. It is usually green with a rather hairy skin |
gorgeous | splendid; magnificent; richly coloured and beautiful |
gorilla | the largest kind of ape. It lives in Africa |
gossip | chatter about other people, sometimes spiteful and unkind |
govern | to rule or control |
government | a group of people who have the power to make laws and decide what is best for the country |
gown | a woman’s dress. The same word also means a long loose-fitting robe or cloak |
grab | to seize hold of something suddenly |
graceful | easy and smooth in movement; the opposite of clumsy |
gracious | kind; charming |
Examples of back formation
1.Baby-sit (baby-sitter)
2.Gyre (gyroscope)
3.Edit (editor)