Vocabulary Words | Meanings |
vinegar | an acid-tasting liquid used in salads and pickles |
violent | very rough; forceful |
violet | a small wild plant with purple or white flowers |
violin | a musical instrument with four stings. It is held under the chin and played with a special stick called a bow |
virtu | moral goodness, morality, chastity, merit |
visibility | the clearness with which things can be seen. In a fog or mist the visibility is bad because you cannot see far |
visible | able to be seen |
vision | the ability to see; eyesight |
visit | to go to see someone at his house |
vitamin | something in foods that is good for you because it keeps you healthy. Milk and oranges both have vitamins that you need |
vivid | very bright; brilliant |
vixen | a female fox |
vocabulary | all the words you can speak and write: a selected list of words, usually in alphabetical order |
voice | the sound that comes from people’s mouths when they speak or sing |
volcano | a cone-shaped mountain that throws out hot ashes or liquid rock from an opening in the top |
volume | a book. The same word also means the amount, quantity or bulk of something |
volunteer | to offer to do something that you donot have to do |
vote | to say which person you would choose to be in charge of something or to be a member of a committee or similar group of people |
vow | a solemn promise |
vowel | the sounds of a language which are not consonants. Usually vowels are written with the letters a e i o u |
voyage | a long journey by sea |
vulgar | rude; not very polite |
vulture | a large bird of prey that eats dead flesh |
Stressed and Unstressed
In English sentences content words are stressed while structural words are generally not.