Vocabulary Words | Meanings |
anchor | a heavy iron hook which is attached to a ship by a chain. When it is thrown over the side, it digs into the sea bed and stops the ship from moving |
ancient | belonging to past time, former age |
anemia | bloodlessness, lack of blood |
angel | a messenger from God |
anger | rage, wrath, annoyance, resentment |
angle | the corner made when tow lines meet at a point |
angry | very cross; in a bad temper |
animal | any living creature which is not a plant |
ankle | the thin bony part of your leg just above your foot |
anniversary | a day which is remembered each year for something special which happened once, like a wedding anniversary |
annotate | to make notes on, comment |
announce | to make something known by telling everyone |
annoy | to make someone rather cross |
annual | yearly, a book published every year, lasting a year |
anorak | a waterproof jacket, usually with a hood |
another | one more; a different one |
ansion | a very large house |
answer | anything said or written in reply, usually to a question |
ant | a small isect |
antarctic | at or around the South Pole |
anthem | a piece of music sung by a church choir. The same word also means the national song of a country. |
anti-clockwise | the opposite direction to the way clock hands move |
Anticipate | know beforehand, expect, foretaste |
antipathy | natural dislike, aversion, opposition |
antique | ancient, old fashioned, very old |
anvil | an iron block on which pieces of metal can be hammered into shape |
anxiety | worry; a feeling of fear about something you think might happen |
anxious | worried or afraid about something you think might happen |
any | some one (indefinite) |
anything | a thing of any kind |
anywhere | at any place |
apart | not together, separate |
apartment | a room of a house, a flat |
apathy | want of feeling, indifference |
ape | a large monkey without a tail |
apex | the highest tip of something, such as the top point of a triangle |
apology | regretful, realization, expression of regret |
apparatus | a collection of things that help you to do something, such as ropes and bars in a gymnasium |
appeal | to ask for help |
appear | to come into sight |
appearance | the way someone or something looks to you; the coming into sight of someone or something |
appetite | the desire to eat |
applaud | to show you like some entertainment or performance by clapping your hands together |
apple | a round red, green or yellow fruit which grows on a tree |
applicant | one who applies |
appoint | to fix time or place, to employ, to nominate |
appreciate | to admire, praise, to rate highly |
approach | to go nearer to someone or something |
approximate | nearly correct |
apricot | a fruit which looks like a small yellow peach |
Non-defining relative clause
Non-defining relative clauses are placed after nouns which are definite already.
The adjective clause which does not define the noun before it but gives additional information about the noun is called the non-defining relative clause.