• My Vote For Sentence Pattern


Abbreviations For Important Components In A Sentence.

Subject (S)Verb (V)Object (O)
Complement (C)Adverbial (A)Direct Object (DO)
Indirect Object (IO)

There are basically five sentence patterns in English Grammar. They are


SVSubject + Verb
SVOSubject + Verb + Object
SVIODOSubject + Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object
SVCSubject + Verb + Complement
SVOCSubject + Verb + Object + Complement
Note : Adjunct or Adverbial could be added to all these five patterns.

Subject Verb Object Examples - (SVO)

This sentence follows the Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) structure, which is a common syntactic order in English sentences:

I / finished / the work

Subject The subject is "I", which is the entity performing the action.
Verb The verb is "finished", indicating the action performed by the subject.
Object The object is "the work", which receives the action of finishing.

Subject: "I" is the person or entity performing the action in the sentence. It's positioned at the beginning of the sentence, indicating who is performing the action.

Verb: "finished" is the action itself, describing what the subject (I) did. It follows the subject and shows the completion of an action.

Object: "the work" is the receiver of the action. It comes after the verb and answers the question "what" or "whom" the action was done to.

I / like / puppies

Subject "I" - The person or entity expressing the liking.
Verb "like" - The action verb indicating the feeling of enjoyment or preference.
Object "puppies" - The object of the liking, indicating what the subject likes.

Subject: "I" - Refers to the person speaking or the entity expressing their preference.

Verb: "like" - Describes the action of enjoying or having a preference for something.

Object: "puppies" - The thing or entity that is liked or enjoyed by the subject.

In this structure, "I / like / puppies" conforms to the typical Subject-Verb-Object (SVO) sentence pattern where the subject (I) performs the action (like) on the object (puppies).

David / scolded / the boy

Subject "David" - The person who performed the action of scolding.
Verb "scolded" - The action verb indicating the act of admonishing or reprimanding.
Object "the boy" - The recipient of the scolding, indicating who received the action.

Subject: "David" - This is the person who performed the action of scolding. In the sentence "David / scolded / the boy," David is the one doing the scolding.

Verb: "scolded" - This is the action verb that describes what David did. "Scolded" indicates the act of reprimanding someone.

Object: "the boy" - This is the entity that received the action of scolding. In this case, it specifies who David scolded.

We / received / the parcel

Subject "We" - The group of people who performed the action of receiving.
Verb "received" - The action verb indicating the receipt or acceptance of something.
Object "the parcel" - The item that was received, indicating what was received.

Subject: "We" - Refers to the group of people who performed the action. In this sentence, "we" is the subject who received the parcel.

Verb: "received" - This is the action verb that describes what "we" did. "Received" indicates the action of accepting or taking possession of something.

Object: "the parcel" - This is the item that was received. It specifies what "we" received in this context.

She / sings / a song

Subject "She" - The person who performs the action of singing.
Verb "sings" - The action verb indicating the act of producing musical sounds with the voice.
Object "a song" - The piece of music being sung, indicating what is being performed.

Subject: "She" - Refers to the person who performs the action of singing. In this sentence, "she" is the one singing.

Verb: "sings" - This is the action verb that describes what "she" is doing. "Sings" indicates the act of producing musical sounds with the voice.

Object: "a song" - This is the object of the sentence, specifying what "she" is singing. It indicates the piece of music that is being performed.

They / did / a lot of work

Subject "They" - Refers to the group of people who performed the action.
Verb "did" - The action verb indicating the completion or performance of an activity.
Object "a lot of work" - Describes what was done by "they", indicating the task or effort expended.

Subject: "They" - This refers to the group of people who are performing the action. In this sentence, "they" are the ones who did something.

Verb: "did" - This is the action verb indicating the completion or performance of an activity. "Did" in this context expresses the action performed by "they".

Object: "a lot of work" - This phrase describes what was done by "they". It specifies the task or effort that was completed or expended by the subject.

He / resembles / her father

Subject "He" - The person who shares a physical or characteristic similarity.
Verb "resembles" - The verb indicating similarity in appearance or traits.
Object "her father" - The person to whom "he" bears resemblance.

Subject: "He" - Refers to the person who shares a similarity with someone else. In this sentence, "he" is the one who resembles.

Verb: "resembles" - This verb indicates that "he" has a similarity in appearance or traits with someone else.

Object: "her father" - This specifies who "he" resembles, indicating the person (her father) with whom the resemblance exists.

Many students / witnessed / the play

Subject "Many students" - Refers to the group of people who observed the event.
Verb "witnessed" - The action verb indicating the act of seeing or experiencing an event.
Object "the play" - The event that was observed by the students.

Subject: "Many students" - This refers to a group of people who performed the action of witnessing. In this sentence, "many students" are the ones who witnessed something.

Verb: "witnessed" - This action verb indicates the act of observing or experiencing an event firsthand.

Object: "the play" - This specifies what the students witnessed, indicating the event or performance that was observed by them.

The police / arrested / the thief

Subject "The police" - Refers to the law enforcement officers who performed the action.
Verb "arrested" - The action verb indicating the act of taking someone into custody for a crime.
Object "the thief" - The person who was apprehended by the police.

Subject: "The police" - This refers to the group of law enforcement officers who performed the action of arresting. In this sentence, "the police" are the ones who carried out the arrest.

Verb: "arrested" - This action verb indicates the act of taking someone into custody, typically for committing a crime.

Object: "the thief" - This specifies who was arrested by the police, indicating the person apprehended for their involvement in criminal activity.

I / want / one of these books

Subject "I" - Refers to the person expressing a desire or wish.
Verb "want" - The action verb indicating the desire or wish for something.
Object "one of these books" - Specifies what "I" want, indicating the desired item.

Subject: "I" - Refers to the person who is expressing a desire or wish. In this sentence, "I" is the one who wants something.

Verb: "want" - This action verb indicates the desire or wish for something. "Want" expresses the intention to possess or obtain something.

Object: "one of these books" - This specifies what "I" want. It indicates the particular item desired, in this case, one of the books that are being referred to.

I / love / India

Subject "I" - Refers to the person expressing the emotion.
Verb "love" - The action verb indicating a strong affection or deep sentiment.
Object "India" - Specifies the entity for which the affection is expressed.

Subject: "I" - Refers to the person who is expressing the emotion. In this sentence, "I" is the one who loves.

Verb: "love" - This action verb indicates a strong affection or deep sentiment towards something or someone.

Object: "India" - Specifies what "I" loves. It indicates the country towards which the affection is directed.

Peter / secured / admission

Subject "Peter" - Refers to the person who achieved something.
Verb "secured" - The action verb indicating the accomplishment of obtaining or achieving something.
Object "admission" - Specifies what Peter secured, indicating the outcome of his effort.

Subject: "Peter" - Refers to the person who achieved or obtained something. In this sentence, "Peter" is the one who secured something.

Verb: "secured" - This action verb indicates the accomplishment of obtaining or achieving something. "Secured" suggests that Peter successfully attained what he was aiming for.

Object: "admission" - Specifies what Peter secured. It indicates the specific outcome of his effort, which in this case is admission to a program, school, or institution.

A huntsman / pursued / a wild animal

Subject "A huntsman" - Refers to the person who performed the action of pursuing.
Verb "pursued" - The action verb indicating the act of chasing or following with the intent to catch.
Object "a wild animal" - Specifies what the huntsman pursued, indicating the target of the chase.

Subject: "A huntsman" - Refers to the person who hunts or pursues. In this sentence, "a huntsman" is the one who performed the action.

Verb: "pursued" - This action verb indicates the act of chasing or following with the intent to catch or reach. It describes the activity undertaken by the huntsman.

Object: "a wild animal" - Specifies what the huntsman pursued. It indicates the target of the chase, in this case, a wild animal that was being hunted or pursued.

Many critics / criticised / the play

Subject "Many critics" - Refers to the group of people who performed the action of criticism.
Verb "criticised" - The action verb indicating the act of expressing disapproval or judgment.
Object "the play" - Specifies what was criticised, indicating the subject of the criticism.

Subject: "Many critics" - Refers to a group of individuals who provide evaluations or assessments. In this sentence, "many critics" are the ones who performed the action of criticism.

Verb: "criticised" - This action verb indicates the act of expressing disapproval, judgment, or negative assessment about something.

Object: "the play" - Specifies what was criticised. It indicates the subject of the criticism, in this case, the play that was reviewed or evaluated by the critics.

My mother / is teaching / French

Subject "My mother" - Refers to the person who is performing the action of teaching.
Verb "is teaching" - The verb phrase indicating the ongoing action of instructing or educating.
Object "French" - Specifies what is being taught, indicating the subject or language taught by the mother.

Subject: "My mother" - Refers to the person who is performing the action of teaching. In this sentence, "my mother" is the one who is teaching.

Verb: "is teaching" - This verb phrase indicates the ongoing action of instructing or educating in the present continuous tense.

Object: "French" - Specifies what is being taught. It indicates the subject or language that the mother is teaching, in this case, French.

She / is / intelligent

Subject "She" - Refers to the person being described.
Verb "is" - The linking verb indicating a state of being or characteristic.
Complement "intelligent" - Describes the quality or attribute attributed to the subject.

Subject: "She" - Refers to the person who possesses the quality or attribute being described. In this sentence, "she" is the subject.

Verb: "is" - This is a linking verb that connects the subject ("she") with the complement ("intelligent"), indicating a state of being or characteristic.

Complement: "intelligent" - This is the adjective that describes the subject. It indicates the quality or attribute attributed to "she" in this context.

Subject Verb Adverbial Examples - (SVA)

He / came / to the party
They / came / suddenly
It / is going / away
The train / arrived / late
They / will come / later
It / rained / last night
She / worked / in a second-hand bookshop
They / went / to the market
He / reads / slowly
The noise / feded / away

Subject Verb Complement Examples - (SVC)

They / are / players
Her father / is / a doctor
I / am / an Indian
The class / became / noisy
Her eyes / are / beautiful
Mother Teresa / is / India’s gift to the world
Our headmaster sideline / was / a lending library
The leaves / turn / yellow
Her dreams / have come / true
They / worked / hard
The tea / is getting / cold
It / was / a very pleasant talk

Adverbial Subject Verb Examples - (ASV)

Soon / we / wake up
Nicely / he / replied
fondly / she / asked
Yesterday / I / came
Tomorrow / she / leaves

Subject Verb Object Complement Examples - (SVOC)

They / made / him / captain
They / named / him / Robert
They / elected / him / president
They / elected / him / speaker
They / made / him / the Mayor
They / made / David / Chairman of the Rotary club
The news / made / his name / popular
She / made / him / happy
She / learnt / music / last year
She / got / her shoes / wet
She / recognised / him / as a genius
He / panted / the wall / white
England / declared / me / a jew
He / made / his son / a doctor

Subject Verb Indirect Object Direct Object Examples - (SVIODO)

We / wish / you / Happy new year
The principal / gave / him / the medal
He / gave / her / a watch
She / sold / him / her house
Paul / gave / his wife / a gift
The Headmaster / showed / her / the result
He / sent / us / some foreign stamps
The doctor / gave / her / medicine
Sarah / sent / Paul / a gift
She / offered / me / a firm hand shake
They / sold / him / pictures

Subject Verb Object Complement Adverbial Examples - (SVOCA)

She / made / her views / clear / at the outset
The company / appointed / him / clerck / last week
They / named / their baby / Sarah / in the church
They / took / the child, / unconscious / to the hospital
She / made / his intentions / clear / now
She / had made / his life / a success / long back
I / lost / my purse / with money / in the bus
The governor / has sworn / him / chief minister / yesterday

Subject Verb Object Adverbial Examples - (SVOA)

The boy / kicks / the ball / with force
She / made / a new dress / yesterday
The kidnapper / locked / the child / in a lonely house
He / threw / the chair / out
She / invited / the guests / to get in
They / played / the match / in broad daylight
The thieves / broke open / the lockers / in the bank
I / shall meet / you / at the railway station
You / will understand / the truth / one day
She / lost / her father / last week
She / shot / the tiger / at once
You / will understand / the truth / one day
He / wrote / a letter / from Paris
They / want / money / immediately
He / got / his shoes / wet
They / had / their lunch / in the late hours
He / felt / a hand / on his shoulder

Subject Verb Object Adverbial Adverbial Examples - (SVOAA)

I / met / Sarah / at the theatre / yesterday
He / practised / pistol shooting / in the firing range / in London
Everyone / relished / the dinner / in the hotel / yesterday
She / enjoyed / the music recital immensly / yesterday
They / pushed / the bus / from behind / to make it move
I / will close / the shop / early / today
The rider / brought / the news / typed / at night
He / left / the book / on the table / at once

Subject Verb Complement Adverbial Examples - (SVCA)

The child / fell / asleep / soon
You / seem / tried / to day
It / is / dark / everywhere
She / became / wise / thereafter
They / reached / home / late
The train / left / the station / on time
She / got / well / soon
He / became / popular / at once
I / am / a programmer / in this company
She / acts / well / at all times
My father / is / an engineer / in India
He / got / well / slowly
I / am / the principal / here
Dr.David / is / famous / in his locality
David / is / a doctor / at Paris
She / was made / the Mayor / last week
Mr.Obama / was elected / the President / last month

Adverbial Subject Verb Object Examples - (ASVO)

Everyday / she / was / late
In broad daylight, / she / fell / unconscious
Often / Akbar / got / mad
This year / she / is / the captain
During day time / he / is / an honest man

Adverbial Subject Verb Indirect Object Direct Object Examples - (ASVIODO)

Last night / She / gave / him / food
Last week / he / gave / his son / new shirts
Every day / she / teaches / them / science
Everywhere / people / gave / the President / a welcome
During lunch / I / served / him / ice-cream

Adverbial Subject Verb Object Complement Adverbial Examples - (ASVOCA)

In the end, / the judge / declared / the culprit / innocent, / after the trial
Yesterday / the man / murdered / a woman / in rags, / mercilessly
In ancient times / people / shot / deer / dead / in the forest
Last month / they / christened / the child, / John / in the Chruch
Next Sunday / we / will paint / the car / red / in the meeting
Every day / she / noticed / the poor, / half dead / in the street corners

Adverbial Adverbial Subject Verb Complement Examples - (AASVC)

In the prayer hall, / during whorship / they / are / silent
Every day, / in the hostel, / she / is / asleep
Next month, / in Bombay, / they / have / a meeting
Every week, / in her garden / she / is / at work
Last week, / in Paris, / she / worked / as a professor

Verb Object Examples - (VO)

Perdon / me.
Call / him.
Try / it.

Learning Competency

Non-defining relative clause
Non-defining relative clauses are placed after nouns which are definite already.
The adjective clause which does not define the noun before it but gives additional information about the noun is called the non-defining relative clause.