• My Vote For Sentence Pattern

Sentence Pattern Definition

There are five important components in a sentence.

Components Of Sentence Pattern
Subject (S)Verb (V)Object (O)
Complement (C)Adverbial (A)



Definition :
To get ‘S’ ask the quesiton ‘Who?’ before the verb.

Subject In Sentence Pattern Examples

Nancy danced well(Here “Nancy” - Subject)
The child broke the glass(Here “The child” - Subject)
Subject (S)consists of nouns or pronouns
occurs before a verb


2. VERB (V)

Definition :
In every sentence the most important word is the verb. A verb shows action or activity or work done.

Verb In Sentence Pattern Examples

He is a doctor(“Be” form verb)
Jems wrote a letter(Main verb)
The baby is crying(auxiliary verb + Main verb)
Verb (V)consists of (a) auxiliaries
(b) finite verbs
(a) Auxiliaries

Auxiliary Verbs In Sentence Pattern Examples

am, is, are ,was, were
has, have, had
does, do, did
Modals : can, could; will, would; shall, should; may, might; must
Semi-modals / Quasi Modals : dare to; need to; used to; ought to
(b) Finte Verbs - Denote Action


talk, sing, write, make, dance, play, cook, leave, teach, sleep
- verbs occur after the subject
- vebs occur before the object


Definition :
To get the object ‘O’ ask the question ‘What’ or ‘Whome’. ‘What’ is for things and ‘Whome’ is for persons. Persons may be nouns or pronouns.


He bought a pen(a pen = Object)
He handles the computer(computer = Object)
I saw him(him = Object)

Object (O) - consists of nouns or noun phrases or noun clauses

(a) Do - direct object
- answers the question ‘what’


SVO (what)
I likesanimals
(b) IO - indirect object
- answers the question ‘whom’


SVIO (whom)DO
I gaveRosya pen


Definition :
The words required to complete the meaning of a sentence are called Complement of the sentence.


He isa dentist
She becamea journalist
It grewdark

Complement (C) - from the word ‘complete’

- completes the meaning in the sentence
- wihtout it the, meaning is incomplete
- wihtout it the, meaning changes
occurs in two pattern. (i) S V C pattern. (ii) S V O C pattern
(i) In S V C pattern, the complement C
- complements the subjects
- tells about the subject
- wihtout it the, meaning changes
- without C, the sentence is incomplete or the sentence changes its meaning
- use to be forms, grew, became, seems for verb


They areplayers
She wasangry
It seemsabsurd
(ii) In S V O C pattern
- the complement tells about the object
- the complement and object are of the same person or thing


They calledDavida genius
I foundhercrying
They electedMichleleader

Types of Complement

1. Subject Complement
Definition :
The complement which expresses the quality or identity or condition of the subject is called Subject Complement.


She is a doctorShe looks sad
2. Object Complement
Definition :
The complement which expresses the quality or identity or condition of an object is called Object Complement.


They made her angry She called him a liar

Adjunct or Adverbial

Definition :
To get ‘A’ ask the question why, when, where or how.

The use of adverbial is optional whereas complement is essential. It has adverb phrase, adverbial clause, noun-phrase and prepositional phrase.


Why? (reason)When? (Time)Where? (Place)How? (Manner)
due to coldnow, laterhere, thereby bus / cycle
through floodsafter 2 yearsevery wherethrough efforts
under compulsionwhen youngin the skyby mixing
carefullyin the morningat homeby hard work

Adjunct - A - answers the questions where? when? how? why?
- without A, any change in the meaning of the sentence

Examples Of Adjuncts In Sentences


She Comesevery day

Learning Competency

Modal auxiliaries Vs Primary auxiliaries
Primary auxiliaries are be, do, have. They are used to form tenses and to frame short answers.
Modal auxiliaries are will, would, may, might, shall, should, can, could, must, dare, need, used, ought. They are used to express moods.