Definition :
Reflexive Pronouns, which are objects and which refer to the same persons as the subjects of the verbs.

Reflexive pronouns are pronouns that end in self and selves. That means A class of pronouns beginning with the form of personal pronouns and ending with -self / -selves.


Singular Personal PronounReflexive Pronoun
I (subject pronoun)myself
me (object pronoun)myself
you (subject/object pronoun)yourself
he (subject pronoun)himself
him (object pronoun)himself
she (subject pronoun) herself
her (object pronoun)herself
Plural Personal PronounReflexive Pronoun
we (subject pronoun) ourselves
us(object pronoun)ourselves
you (subject/object pronoun)yourselves
they (subject pronoun)themselves
them (object pronoun) themselves

Reflexive pronouns typically occur later than the subject and verb in a clause or sentence and are identical in reference to the subject


I washed myself
We organized the party all by ourselves
Be careful not to cut yourself with that knife
You have all enjoyed yourselves
The poor man lives all by himself in an old house
She herself cooked the dinner
They have proved themselves to be right


Note : Never say or write hisself, themself, or theirselves. These words are not part of standard English usage and are therefore unacceptable.

Learning Competency

Examples of back formation
1.Baby-sit (baby-sitter)
2.Gyre (gyroscope)
3.Edit (editor)