• My Vote For Subject Predicate

Subject And Predicate - Exercises

Divide each of the following sentences into subject and predicate

1. Cock crows in the morning
ans : Cock | crows in the morning.
2. Your book lies on the desk
ans : Your book | lies on the desk.
3. The boy stood on the burning deck
ans : The boy | stood on the burning deck.
4. The old woman looks unhappy
ans : The old woman | looks unhappy.
5. At last they came to a village gate
ans : They | came to a village gate at last.
6. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall
ans : Humpty Dumpty | sat on a wall.
7. There dwelt a miller hale and bold
ans : A miller | there dwelt hale and bold.
8. Into the street the Piper stept
ans : The Piper | into the street stept.
9. A barking shoun the shepherd hears
ans : The Shepherd | a barking sound hears.
10. A cold wind blew last night
ans : A cold wind | blew last night.

Learning Competency

What are idioms?
Idioms can be defined as a group of words having a meaning different from the individual meanings of each word in the group.