• My Vote For Participle

The Participle

The participle has two forms : present participle, and past participle. Present participle is one of the three forms of non-finite vierbs. It is formed by adding ing with a verb. Past participle is one of the non finite verb forms.

Uses Of Participle

(a) When one subject does 2 actions

The first action -> participle
The second action -> verb

Example Of Participle

He ran fast (1st action). He sweated (2nd action)
Running fast (participle), he sweated (verb)
(b) In the case of 2 subjects


It was a rainy day (1st action). We stayed indoors
It, being a rainy day, we stayed indoors

Its Types

(a) ing :


Father wore his shoes (1st verb). He went for a walk (2nd verb)
Wearing his shoes (participle), Father went for a walk (verb)
(b) Being :

being replaces ‘to be’ forms (i.e.) am, is , are, was, were.


He was smart. He solved the problem
Being smart (participle), he solved the problem (verb)
(b) Having :

having been / verb
having been -> had been
having +verb -> had + verb

e.g. 1

The student had been tried. They sat down
Having been tired, the students sat down

e.g. 2

She had lost her money. She cried
Having lost her money, she cried

Learning Competency

Examples of Blending
1.Manimal (man + animal)
2.Hi-tech (high + technology)
3.Brunch (breakfast + lunch)