• My Vote For Abbreviation & Acronym

Definitions For Abbreviation And Acronym

Abbreviation Definition:
An Abbreviation is a short form of a word or phrase. It is formed normally by the first letter of each word in the expression. Sometimes, the first, middle and the last letters of the word will make an abbreviation.

Abbreviations are used for words used frequently.


MPMember of Parliament
STFSpecial Task Force
Acronyms Definition :
An Acronym is using the first letters of the group of words or first two or three letters of the group of words to form a word that can be pronounced as a word.

An Acronym is a word formed form the initial letters of a name. Sometimes two or more letters can be formed.


LANLocal Area Network
FERAForeign Exchange Regulation Act
LASERLight Amplification by Stimulating Emission of Radiation
TELEXTele-printer and Exchange
FORTRANFormula Translation

Some Expanded Form of Abbreviations Used in Sentence

ATM He withdrew money from the Automated Teller Machine of City Bank.
BL Nehru did his Bachelor of Law in London.
BIS We need a Business Information System to make plans for Business.
BMA Some tooth paste has been certified by British Medical Association as dependable.
CBI Central Bureau of Investigation arrested a local merchant in the metal fixing scan.
CID Criminal Investigation Department collects sensitive information and passes it on to the Government.
CD He bought the Encarta encyclopedia Compact Disc for $30/-.
CPU Central Processing Unit is the brain of a computer.
ISD International Subscriber’s Dialling has become cheaper now-a-day.
NSS National Service Scheme throws open many opportunities to work for the downtrodden people.
NOC Thomas needs No Objection Certificate from his office to apply for a passport.

Learning Competency

What are phrasal verbs?
Phrasal verbs are verbs that consist of two or three words. The first word is a verb and it is followed by an adverb or a prepositions or both.