Irregular Verbs

Definition Of Irregular Verbs:
Irregular verbs form their past tense and past participle in a different way from adding ed. There is no ending at all, by changing the vowel of the base form. These are also called Strong Verbs.

A verb which does not follow the normal pattern when forming the past tense and past participle


Irregular Verbs With Similar Present, Past And Past Participle Forms

Unchanging Verbs List : Verbs in which all three forms are the same

Examples Of Unchanging Verbs.

Present Tense Past Tense Past Participle Present Participle
beset beset beset besetting
broadcast broadcast broadcast broadcating
burst burst burst bursting
cast cast cast casting
challenged challenged challenged challenging
congratulated congratulated congratulated congratulating
cost cost cost costing
cut cut cut cutting
forecast forecast forecast forecasting
hit hit hit hitting
hurt hurt hurt hurting
let let let letting
outbid outbid outbid outbidding
overcast overcast overcast overcasting
put put put putting
read read read reading
set set set setting
shed shed shed shedding
shut shut shut shutting
slit slit slit slitting
split split split splitting
upset upset upset upsetting


Verbs in which two of the three forms are the same. All of them have the same past and past participle


Present Tense Past Tense Past Participle Present Participle
behold beheld beheld beholding
beseech besought besought beseeching
build built built building
deal dealt dealt dealing
say said said saying
sell sold sold selling
sit sat sat sitting
teach taught taught teaching
make made made making
keep kept kept keeping


Verbs in which two of the three forms are the same. All of them have the same present and past participle forms.


Present Tense Past Tense Past Participle Present Participle
come came come coming
overcome overcame overcome overcoming
run ran run running
outrun outran outrun outrunning
overrun overran overrun overrunning

Irregular Verbs With Three Distinct Forms

Verbs in which all three forms are different. All of them have the same present, past and past participle


Present Tense Past Tense Past Participle Present Participle
arise arose arosen arising
awake awoke awoken beseeching
blow blew blown blowing
choose chose chosen choosing
do did done saying
go went gone going
fly flew flown flying
give gave given giving
see saw seen seeing
write wrote written writing

The following verbs have an alternative past participle form (ending in -en), which


Present Tense Past Tense Past Participle Present Participle
arise arose arosen arising
awake awoke awoken beseeching
beat beat beaten beating
bid bade bidden bidding
fall fell fallen falling
freeze froze forzen freezing
fly flew flown flying
give gave given giving
hide hid hidden hiding
take tooke taken taking

Learning Competency

Abbreviation An abbreviation is a short form of a word or expression. Abbreviations are used for words used frequently.