Definition :

An adverb is used to modify an adjective, a verb or other adverb. It tells us about an action, or the way something is done.

An adverb can be formed from an adjective by adding the suffix -ly.

Examples Of Adverb

Drive carefuly She writes neatly
He acts cleverly She gets up early in the morning
Westerns can be very exciting She yelled loudly
Drive carefuly Whose car is this?
Note : It’s important to keep in mind that not all -ly words are adverbs. Some can be adjectives: friendly, neighborly, yearly, mannerly, daily, lovely, elderly, and cowardly, to name just a few. If the -ly modifies a noun or pronoun is called adjective. If the -ly modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb is called adverb.

Adverbs answer four specific questions about the verbs, adjectives, and adverbs they modify:


How? quickly, gracefully, fluently
When? late, never, tomorrow
Where? there, inside, below
How often? very, well, almost

Adverb Phrases

Adverb phrases are groups of words that functions as single adverbs to describe the action of the verb.


The bus arrived on time
She draws cartoons like a real cartoonist

What Is A Simple Adverb?

Definition :

An adverb used as a simple modifier to convey degree, manner, number, place, or time.

Two Adverbs sometimes go together, joined by the conjunction and; as


again and again now and then
by and by once and again
far and wide out and out
first and foremost off and on
far and wide over and above

Learning Competency

Examples of back formation
1.Baby-sit (baby-sitter)
2.Gyre (gyroscope)
3.Edit (editor)